IN THE fall of the year 29, Jesus closed His Galilean ministry and went down to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles, a commemoration of the Israelites’ wander­ings in the desert.  He took the route through Samaria, traveling slowly with a large band of His followers, and in the course of the journey He sent out seventy-two of them on a brief missionary tour.  In one of the villages along the road, He related the Parable of the Good Samaritan, showing an example of true Christian love and neighborliness; and at Bethany He paused at the home of Lazarus.

When He reached Jerusalem He began teaching in the temple.  The Pharisees sent attendants to seize Him, and, when they were thwarted in this, they sought to embarrass Him with a legal case, inviting Him to apply His doctrine of mercy to the judgment of an adulteress; but their cunning quailed before His wisdom.  Even more typical of the malice of the Pharisees was their reaction to Christ’s cure of a man who had been born blind.  They brutally interrogated both the man and his parents, in the hope of making them deny the miracle; then they drove the uncooperative witness from their community.

From the Feast of Tabernacles (October) to the Feast of the Dedication (December) Jesus traveled about Judea, preaching and healing.  He still makes use of para­bles (the Rich Man and His Soul; the Watchful Servants; the Barren Fig Tree; the Narrow Gate); but He speaks openly, too, assuring of His providence and the power of prayer and warning against hypocrisy and avarice.  He is especially scathing in His denunciations of the Pharisees.

Jesus Leaves Galilee

Matthew 8:19-22  |  Luke 9:51-62  |  John 7:2-13


Jesus Sends Out Seventy-Two Disciples

Matthew 11:20-24  |  Matthew 10:40  |  Luke 10:1-16


Return of the Disciples

Matthew 11:25-30  | Matthew 13:16-17  |  Luke 10:17-24


The Good Samaritan
  |   Luke 10:25-42


The Feast of Tabernacles
  |   John 7:14-29


Dissension Concerning Jesus

John 7:30-53

The Adulteress
  |   John 8:1-11


The Jews Reject the Light

John 8:12-59  |  1 John 1:5-10


The Man Born Blind
  |   John 9:1-41


A Sermon on Prayer

Matthew 6:9-15  |  Matthew 7:7-11  |  Luke 11:1-13


Blasphemy of the Pharisees

Matthew 12:22-37  |  Mark 3:20-30  |  Luke 11:14-23


Signs For The Pharisees

Matthew 12:38-45  |  Luke 11:24-32


A Dinner With A Pharisee

Luke 11:37-52  |  Matthew 23:1-36


A Warning and A Promise

Matthew 10:24-33  |  Luke 11:53-43  |  Luke 12:1-9  |  Luke 12:11-12


Christ’s Forgiveness


Judging Others
John 8:7  |  Matthew 7:1-5  |  Romans 2:1-4  |  1 Corinthians 4:5


Trust in Providence, Not in Riches

Matthew 6:19-21  |  Matthew 6:25-34  |  Matthew 10:23-26  |  Matthew 13:44-46  |  Matthew 24:43-51  |  Luke 12:13-53


Signs Of The Times

Luke 12:54-13:9  |  Matthew 16:1-4  |  Mark 8:11-13  |  Matthew 5:21-26  |  Joel 1:13-20  |  Amos 5:4-5  |  Zephaniah 2:1-13  |  Isaiah 5:1-7


Jesus Cures A Crippled Woman

Luke 13:10-17  |  Luke 13:22-33 (Narrow Gate)  |  Matthew 7:13-14

Information from The Life of Christ “Our Lord’s Life with Lesson in His Own Words for Our Life Today”  The Catholic Press, Inc. 1959 © 1954 edited by Reverend John P. O’Connell, MASTD and Jex Martin, MA NIHIL OBSTAT John A McMahon; IMPRIMATUR Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago August 1, 1953.   Black and White Drawings by Albert H Winkler.


Life of Christ